“Based the study on toxic effects of the oils after pyrolysis it was concluded that the current data indicate that neuroactive pyrolysis products are present, but that their concentration in the presence of an intact lung barrier is that low that it could not be appointed as a major concern for neuronal function.”
- Laut Deutsche Patientenliga Atemwegserkrankungen e.V. gibt es in Deutschland mindestens 10 Millionen Menschen OHNE intakte Lungenbarriere.
“However, prolonged exposure to pyrolysis products may aggravate their potential neurotoxicity. Additional research may thus need to focus on
- Keine Warnsysteme und Schutzmaßnahmen vorhanden
“Differences in sensitivity between humans can be expected for compounds that rely on cytochrome P450 enzymes for their metabolism. This may explain the symptoms observed in a specific subpopulation of the people with health problems that may be related to cabin air.”
- Menschen werden nachgewiesenermaßen geschädigt